Is Ankle Replacement Right for Me? Assessing the Pros and Cons
Ankle replacement has come a long way, even in just the last few years. Because of the incredibly high pressures and force loads on such a relatively small joint, ankle joint replacements performed 20 or 30 years ago tended to be a lot less successful than other types...
Is Your Changed Routine Causing You Heel Pain?
A great many people have seen their daily routines upended recently, making for many changes to how they spend their time. You may be one of them. It doesn’t have to take something as widespread as a global pandemic to cause significant changes in your life, however....
What is a Bunion (and What Can You Do About It)?
When we’re asking what a bunion is, we are not assuming you don’t know one when you see it. Bunions have very good branding, after all. A tell-tale bump at the base of the big toe is hard to miss, especially if you have had it for some time and it has grown...
What Should You Expect from Ingrown Toenail Surgery?
In our previous blog, we discussed various methods of treating ingrown toenails. Most of these methods are quite simple and conservative, and can often be performed right at home. Sometimes, however, the situation is more severe or stubborn, and ingrown toenail...
How Do You Treat an Ingrown Toenail?
An ingrown toenail is often a mild problem—but that doesn’t mean you don’t want one gone when you have it! Fortunately, most ingrown toenail cases can be treated rather effectively at home. When one arises in your life every great once in a while, we have an easy...
Why Do My Feet Tingle?
Tingling, prickling feet are a common source of discomfort for many of our patients, especially those diagnosed with diabetes. You see, diabetes usually goes hand-in-hand with peripheral neuropathy, a condition that affects about 20 million Americans today. (So you...
How to Improve Circulation to Your Feet
The Arizona Department of Transportation plays a major role in our lives. This branch of our state government is responsible for ensuring that traffic flows smoothly at all times, and improving conditions when this doesn’t happen. But when it comes to circulation, the...
Diabetic Foot Inspections: What to Look For
Diabetes causes a host of problems in the body including reduced blood flow, impaired immune function, and neuropathy (nerve damage). These problems lead to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness. But that’s not all – diabetes can also...
Quick Tricks for Foot Exercise When You’re Sitting Down
Are you sitting down for this? You don’t have to be, but odds are pretty good you are. You might be reading this at your desk in the office, or on the sofa after a long day of work. While there are certainly active jobs and ways to get moving in the off-hours, many of...
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