MLS Laser Therapy
What Is MLS Laser Therapy?
MLS laser therapy is quickly becoming the standard of care in alleviating both acute and chronic pain. This patented, FDA-cleared technology has an 85% – 90% efficacy rate in relieving pain and inflammation, eliminates risk from surgery and prescription pain killers, has no negative side effects, and restores patients’ lives.
MLS laser therapy effectively treats pain and inflammation associated with the following conditions:
- Plantar Fascitis
- Neuromas
- Nueropathies
- Arthritis
- Sports Injuries
- Tendon & Ligament Injuries
- Back & Joint Pain
- Muscle Sprains & Strains
- Tendonitis
- Wounds
- Post Surgical Swelling
- Disc Disease
- Plantar Fascitis
- Neuromas
- Nueropathies
- Arthritis
- Sports Injuries
- Tendon & Ligament Injuries
- Back & Joint Pain
- Muscle Sprains & Strains
- Tendonitis
- Wounds
- Post Surgical Swelling
- Disc Disease
MLS laser therapy accelerates the body’s natural healing process and relieves chronic and acute pain.
Will It Help Me?
Is the Effect Long Lasting?
Will It Hurt?
Is it Covered by Insurance?
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